Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Satan does not want you to believe that you can have a good life in the will of God.
In the garden of Eden he planted a seed of doubt against God's word into the mind of Eve. Causing her to question her God and the provisions that God had made for her. Making her believe that she was actually missing out on something better than what she already had.
His tactic is one of confusion that starts out with the question "Did God say?" If he can get you to question the will of God, then he can get you to fight with the purpose of God. Which then brings the doubt of God's judgment. Table of compromise is the table of devil's. No human ever wins at that table. Once you are there you obviously mean to do business with him. Anything he gives you is nothing in comparison to what you will have to give up for a temporary pleasure in exchange for an eternal life in Hell. Prayer exposes the enemy for what he is and gives us the power to resist him through the Holy Spirit. Pray and pray some more. When you are done doing that. Pray again.