Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Pulpit and Prayer

Sometime ago I went through a dark time in my life. And on my search for a word or a message from God I visited many churches. And what I found was much of the same ol' rhetoric. Preachers regurgitating the same ol' stuff. Often times I went away feeling like it was a waste of my time even getting up and going to church. I did it more out of religion than expectation.
I have recently gone back and I still feeling the same way. The church is just having church. While families within the church are falling apart, people are loosing homes and businesses. All the while the preachers seemed to be concerned with one thing. How do we keep our profession going? How do we get people to give more in these tough economic times. How do we keep people from leaving the church?
The answer lies within the prayer closet preacher! Not gimmicks and crafty sermons. Prayer brings God into the pulpit and then He saturates the sanctuary. It is the priestly duty! To minister to God first! Our churches are dying because the pulpits are withering. Our pUlpits are withering cause many preachers have stopped chasing God and have become professional in what they do.
The result is rather than getting a healing word or a word of hope, people have been subjected to crafty sales pitches and brow beating sermons that make them feel guilty for not giving.
Prayer needs to be brought back to the pulpit. We need God in our services! We need men and women who are on fire first in the prayer closet then they transfer that to the church. God is looking for such a human being to carry that life changing fire into the church.