Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Prayer vs. Methods

Prayer will always be the vehicle that God moves about in the earth. It is through prayer that methods are conceived,developed and given by God. It was prayer that gave Noah the Ark, and Prayer that has given us some of the methods that have changed the world today. Great men and women were in prayer when they received their assignments. Choosing to be God's methods in earth. Man has always been a great thinker being that he has been created in the likeness and image of God. The ability to think and create. It is a gift!

We loose sight of God and prayer when we try too many methods and they work. We stop praying because we figure that we can do it all on our own. Methods will never be able to outdo prayer. Prayer is progressive. It Brings answers from eternity and unlocks a potential the world has never seen.

Next time you are in a situation that seems impossible...PRAY!

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