Saturday, July 18, 2009

Prayer and the Possibilities

Prayer makes the impossible turn to possible. In fact it was God Himself who said "With man this is impossible but with God all things are possible" MT 19:26 We see in scripture where on two occasions the impossible was made possible with a prayer.
The first is found in Mark 6 Five Thousand Fed
" He took the five loaves and two fish and looking up toward Heaven He blessed the food"

The second is found in Mark 8 Where He does the same thing instead of five thousand it four.

When we take it to God He is always able. But as long as we continue to hold on to it and try it ourselves and within our own strength we delay the miracle. It is not until we put it into the hands of God and follow His instructions that the miracle takes place.
God is always able to make the impossible very possible. So long as it is in His hands.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Private Prayer

The man or woman of God fervent in prayer and full of the word are the ones that make a difference in the world. It is in private not public that they take the greatest stance against sin and hyprocrisy. The mightiest men of God were forged privately in prayer. Moses went to the mountain. David was left alone to tend sheep and there discovered the Lord.
"The way to the palace is by way of the cave."
Elijah was a man of solitude and prayer. Abraham constantly had fellowship with God. These are the people the bible is written of. Men and women who loved God privately before the were ever confirmed publicly. People who left and indelible mark on the face of the earth.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Prayer Always Produces What Men Can't

Prayer will always produce a result or a miracles that men cannot. God gave us prayer as a means of tapping into His resources and bringing into fruition miracles and dreams that He has placed in our spirit. Perhaps you have a loved one who has gone astray, and you have called in ministers hoping that they can get through to them. But to no avail. Because with man this is impossible and with God all things are possible!

Are you working on a project and it seems fruitless? A ministry with no results and limited resources? Stop relying on your own ability and start relying on God's. Watch what happens! Prayer has always produced what men can't. In fact the bible shares with us that Elijah prayed and the drought was over. He prayed again and it didnt rain for three years.

When Jesus fed the five thousand He took the bread and prayed over it providing enough for everybody in the crowd. What seemed to be limited in the hands of men, now became an abundance in the hand of God.
Prayer always produces what men cannot!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Dwelling in His Presence

 1He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

Psalm 91:1 (King James Version)

 There is a place in God that we can only come to through prayer. It is a place of peace, protection and provision. As the writer of this particular Psalm discovered.  A place where the enemy is not allowed. 

Prayer opens up these places of refuge in the Lord. It extends God's shadow over us and with that shadow comes the presence of peace that encompasses our lives. 

Even though others are falling all around us that harm shall not come to us because we dwell in His presence. And then he goes on to list the things that we shall conquer. Because Of relationship with God and the connection to Him he also gives us the power to overcome. 

The key to all this is to simply trust God and abide in His presence. Invite Him into your life today.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Spiritual Pride Will Always Keep You in Spiritual Darkness

"always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth." 2 Timothy 3:7
 Pride is one of the abominations of the bible. Over and over we see people brought down by pride who once held prominent positions in our country. In the bible we read of men like Nebuchadnezzer who tried to exalt themselves instead of God. He had a spiritual life but it was one that did not include God. Many of us are the same way. We have a spiritual life but it is not the God of the bible it is the god of our convenience and our knowledge.
We attend church and participate in ministry yet there is no ministry between us and the Holy Spirit. Spiritual pride will always keep you in the dark. Some of the by products of spiritual pride are:
1. Ignorance- Not knowing what the scriptures say
2. Arrogance- "I know the word and what it says and you can't teach me what I already know"
3. Unrepentance- Refusing to turn from sin or mend your ways, denying you have a problem or that you are living contrary to God's word
 These things will always keep you in the dark. That is exactly where Satan wants us all to abide. IN THE DARKNESS!  God wants you to come out of that and into the light. Because in the light there is freedom and a life of abundance.
God Bless

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Where Faith Abides God Provides

 "You shall drink of the brook and I have commanded the ravens to feed you there" I Kings 17:4

  The story Of Elijah can be found in the book of Kings. Elijah was one of the prophets of God who performed many great miracles under the anointing of God. Yet even though he possessed the ability to heal raise the dead and cause droughts. Elijah's greatest power was His ability to have faith in God for the small things.

Because he was a true prophet he was not the most liked person of his time. On many occasions his life was in danger. He would find himself isolated and it was in these times of isolation that God would provide for him in the most oddest ways.

The truth that we can learn from here is that God will always provide for you but it may not be the way that you expected Him to. Many of the provisions Of God show up in the strangest ways. Yet we have become conditioned to looking for extra checks in the mail or getting over and calling it a blessing. But it is faith and obedience in God's word to us that brings the provisions into our life. Being content with the way He does it. Rather than the way we would have him do it.

 3 things caused God to move on is behalf constantly.
1. His trust in God
6 But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Hebrews 11:6

2. His obedience
  When God spoke Elijah moved. And God always met Elijah at the end of the commandment. In other words when God told him to go down to the brook God met him there with the provisions that He promised.

3. Being open minded
If I told you that God was going to bring you a steak by way of a raven you more than likely would not believe me. Yet God would send Him to the oddest places and have him perform some strange acts. Being open minded means being open to miracles! And in each situation God moved! Stop looking for God to show up the same way He did last time.

God bless!