Friday, July 3, 2009

Spiritual Pride Will Always Keep You in Spiritual Darkness

"always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth." 2 Timothy 3:7
 Pride is one of the abominations of the bible. Over and over we see people brought down by pride who once held prominent positions in our country. In the bible we read of men like Nebuchadnezzer who tried to exalt themselves instead of God. He had a spiritual life but it was one that did not include God. Many of us are the same way. We have a spiritual life but it is not the God of the bible it is the god of our convenience and our knowledge.
We attend church and participate in ministry yet there is no ministry between us and the Holy Spirit. Spiritual pride will always keep you in the dark. Some of the by products of spiritual pride are:
1. Ignorance- Not knowing what the scriptures say
2. Arrogance- "I know the word and what it says and you can't teach me what I already know"
3. Unrepentance- Refusing to turn from sin or mend your ways, denying you have a problem or that you are living contrary to God's word
 These things will always keep you in the dark. That is exactly where Satan wants us all to abide. IN THE DARKNESS!  God wants you to come out of that and into the light. Because in the light there is freedom and a life of abundance.
God Bless

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