Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Where Faith Abides God Provides

 "You shall drink of the brook and I have commanded the ravens to feed you there" I Kings 17:4

  The story Of Elijah can be found in the book of Kings. Elijah was one of the prophets of God who performed many great miracles under the anointing of God. Yet even though he possessed the ability to heal raise the dead and cause droughts. Elijah's greatest power was His ability to have faith in God for the small things.

Because he was a true prophet he was not the most liked person of his time. On many occasions his life was in danger. He would find himself isolated and it was in these times of isolation that God would provide for him in the most oddest ways.

The truth that we can learn from here is that God will always provide for you but it may not be the way that you expected Him to. Many of the provisions Of God show up in the strangest ways. Yet we have become conditioned to looking for extra checks in the mail or getting over and calling it a blessing. But it is faith and obedience in God's word to us that brings the provisions into our life. Being content with the way He does it. Rather than the way we would have him do it.

 3 things caused God to move on is behalf constantly.
1. His trust in God
6 But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Hebrews 11:6

2. His obedience
  When God spoke Elijah moved. And God always met Elijah at the end of the commandment. In other words when God told him to go down to the brook God met him there with the provisions that He promised.

3. Being open minded
If I told you that God was going to bring you a steak by way of a raven you more than likely would not believe me. Yet God would send Him to the oddest places and have him perform some strange acts. Being open minded means being open to miracles! And in each situation God moved! Stop looking for God to show up the same way He did last time.

God bless!

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