Friday, June 26, 2009

Prayer evicts sin and sin evicts prayer

" Apostasy begins in the closet. No one ever backslid from the life and power of Christianity who continued constant and fervent in private prayer"  ( Adam Clarke)

Sin must flee from the presence of God. It cannot cohabitate with the Spirit. One must always leave the room. Nothing rids the life of sin like prayer. Many people try to overcome by simply listening to many sermons on a specific sin that they struggle with. But it is the word and the prayer over the word of God that unlocks the confidence and authority to eradicate sin in your life.

Intentional sin will always quench the fire of God in a persons life. God will not continue to abide in a house where willful disobedience is always welcomed. It has been my experience that when I choose to sin the desire for prayer decreases. When I choose the sin that faucet of prayer begins to slowly close in my life. Before you know it I am stuck with chaos and confusion.

On the flip side of that coin, when I begin to pray there is a peace which passes all understanding that comes down from Heaven. There is a blessing that flows into my life, and the Spirit of God takes up residence in my mind and Soul. Evicting the desires of sin out of my life. The more I pray the less I desire to sin and the more I sin the less I desire to pray.

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