Wednesday, June 17, 2009

"But God was causing the growth" 1Cor 3:6

 As Christian's we all want to prosper and have faith. But many of us do not want to have to go through  anything in order to have it. Have you ever prayed the prayer "Lord let your will be done?"  Have you ever expressed a desire to grow in the Lord? Maybe even prayed like the disciples who were anxious to grow in faith and learn to pray like Jesus.

We ask these things of God yet we are puzzled by opposition and so easily intimidated by attacks of the enemy. Our first reactions are to run for cover and put up the white flag of surrender. But what we fail to realize is that God in His out of the box wisdom is growing us. It is in these things that the prayer of "God grow me" is being answered.

So many times I have asked God to grow me. Yet after the prayer I waited for a super-natural experience that automatically brought increase to my life. The experiences never showed up. But in my current situation I can now see the Lord answering that prayer in my life. Causing me to grow in the most abrasive time of my life.
You can go to church 7 days a week, work on staff at a church, purchase all the DVD's, CD'S and latest books of the newest fads in the church. None of that will cause you to grow. Ultimately it is between you and your God. Your obedience to God in prayer. Your will to practice publicly what God told you privately. Your willingness to allow God to teach you causes growth into your life.

 Don't allow your failures and setbacks in any area of your life to triumph over you. These are the hand tools of God. My friend Steve Williams told me one time "Be encouraged when you go through the fire, because God has his hand on the thermostat."

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