Monday, June 1, 2009

Prayer and Fasting

In Mark's gospel of chapter 9 we read of a life threatening situation. A boy is possessed by something that tries to kill him and kill him often. The boy's father brings him to the disciples and they are not able to free him from this demon.

Jesus asked the boys father how long has this been going on?

Sometimes we have to ask the same question in our own lives pertaining to a struggle, sin, or obstacle.

How long have I struggled with this?

If it's been so long and yet nothing you have done has seem to cure the problem, then like the father maybe it's time to take it straight to Jesus. His attempts to cure the boy on his own have failed. At this point we see the disciples (church) has failed also. Religion doesn't cure anyone it usually makes them worse.

Jesus rebukes the spirit names it and commands him to come out and never enter again. But he also says this about the situation.

And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting. - Mark 9:29

In my own personal life I have struggled. Today I am driving that thing right out of my life forever. Never to return! Fasting breaks chains and causes you to be free from the thing that would try to kill you. If it's been along time. Then maybe it's time to fast. Watch what God does. Join me on a 40 day fast. Imagine what's on the other side of 40 day fast.
I want what Jesus has in mind for me. How about you?

1 comment:

  1. . I pray god continues to cover and carry you...twords your calling....
