Friday, June 26, 2009

Prayer evicts sin and sin evicts prayer

" Apostasy begins in the closet. No one ever backslid from the life and power of Christianity who continued constant and fervent in private prayer"  ( Adam Clarke)

Sin must flee from the presence of God. It cannot cohabitate with the Spirit. One must always leave the room. Nothing rids the life of sin like prayer. Many people try to overcome by simply listening to many sermons on a specific sin that they struggle with. But it is the word and the prayer over the word of God that unlocks the confidence and authority to eradicate sin in your life.

Intentional sin will always quench the fire of God in a persons life. God will not continue to abide in a house where willful disobedience is always welcomed. It has been my experience that when I choose to sin the desire for prayer decreases. When I choose the sin that faucet of prayer begins to slowly close in my life. Before you know it I am stuck with chaos and confusion.

On the flip side of that coin, when I begin to pray there is a peace which passes all understanding that comes down from Heaven. There is a blessing that flows into my life, and the Spirit of God takes up residence in my mind and Soul. Evicting the desires of sin out of my life. The more I pray the less I desire to sin and the more I sin the less I desire to pray.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Prayer the water of life!

There have been times in my life that I have had to work under stressful and chaotic circumstances. In fact some of the places made me feel like I did not want to ever go back to work. But it was prayer that changed the atmosphere and transformed it from chaos to pleasant. Prayer has the ability to shape even the hardest of situations turning them into the most pliable.

Man's deliverance has always come through a prayer. Not religious rhetoric prayer with out faith but pure Holy Ghost filled prayer has always brought forth results. Prayer is the conduit through which the water of Heaven flows into a dry and thirsty situation. As we continue to pray it brings change to the atmosphere. And what once seemed shut up now flows abundantly.

Perhaps in your life you are experiencing a drought. Hoping to catch something going from church to church becoming a church junky! Looking for a fix or a drink. When all along God has said "Come unto me" and "I will give you living water. "

When you tap into that well of prayer the water will flow and the circumstances that onced seemed to be full of thorns and nettles will become a fruitful field. Prayer waters and refreshes, it gives a better perspective. Prayer is the water of life that the believer cannot live without. Many times in the process of healing or bringing back what was dead Jesus prayed. Elijah prayed and it rained for three years.

Is there a drought in your walk or life? Pray and watch the water begin to flow.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


When God is working with a person or people for a specific purpose or calling, there will always be a humbling process.It is for the greater good that we go through this. It doesn't feel good at all! Sometimes you wonder if God is off course. And in our finite thinking we say to ourselves "Surely this is not the road to the palace in life!"

The bible tells us that God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. It was Peter who quoted that. The same proud Peter who denied Christ, and experienced humility in the process. The same Peter who was later on used and three thousand people got saved. The same Peter who preached grace and mercy, because he now understood it first hand!

Humility does two things to us in the process that serve a greater purpose.

1. HELPS US TO DEVELOP UNDERSTANDING "make you understand"
Solomon said that in all thy getting get unto you understanding. Our pulpits today are filled with text book pastor's and men with degrees, yet very little degree of understanding. Humility gives you understanding that you may be effective with others. No one wants to speak to someone that is out of touch. Someone who lacks compassion. One of the idiosyncrasies of the church and Christian leaders today is that they are out of touch. Humility produces understanding and compassion.

2. IT PRODUCES KNOWLEDGE "that you may know"
In the process of being humbled you start to develop an appetite for learning. Which produces growth. See when all is well you begin to think that you have arrived. And they say "you can't teach a man what he thinks he already knows." I have consulted for churches have sat down with people who think they know it all. I know cause I was one of those young arrogant successful ministers! But in this process you begin to develop a hunger to learn and seek out knowledge. You start searching for knowledge and gaining understanding. Doing things that you did not do because you want answers.

The next time you experience something in your life that is humiliating, don't just stand there dazed and confused. Ask God what are you trying to get me to understand? What are you trying to help me learn? The process of humbling always produces a better man or woman. Let God have his way today.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

"But God was causing the growth" 1Cor 3:6

 As Christian's we all want to prosper and have faith. But many of us do not want to have to go through  anything in order to have it. Have you ever prayed the prayer "Lord let your will be done?"  Have you ever expressed a desire to grow in the Lord? Maybe even prayed like the disciples who were anxious to grow in faith and learn to pray like Jesus.

We ask these things of God yet we are puzzled by opposition and so easily intimidated by attacks of the enemy. Our first reactions are to run for cover and put up the white flag of surrender. But what we fail to realize is that God in His out of the box wisdom is growing us. It is in these things that the prayer of "God grow me" is being answered.

So many times I have asked God to grow me. Yet after the prayer I waited for a super-natural experience that automatically brought increase to my life. The experiences never showed up. But in my current situation I can now see the Lord answering that prayer in my life. Causing me to grow in the most abrasive time of my life.
You can go to church 7 days a week, work on staff at a church, purchase all the DVD's, CD'S and latest books of the newest fads in the church. None of that will cause you to grow. Ultimately it is between you and your God. Your obedience to God in prayer. Your will to practice publicly what God told you privately. Your willingness to allow God to teach you causes growth into your life.

 Don't allow your failures and setbacks in any area of your life to triumph over you. These are the hand tools of God. My friend Steve Williams told me one time "Be encouraged when you go through the fire, because God has his hand on the thermostat."

Monday, June 1, 2009

Prayer and Fasting

In Mark's gospel of chapter 9 we read of a life threatening situation. A boy is possessed by something that tries to kill him and kill him often. The boy's father brings him to the disciples and they are not able to free him from this demon.

Jesus asked the boys father how long has this been going on?

Sometimes we have to ask the same question in our own lives pertaining to a struggle, sin, or obstacle.

How long have I struggled with this?

If it's been so long and yet nothing you have done has seem to cure the problem, then like the father maybe it's time to take it straight to Jesus. His attempts to cure the boy on his own have failed. At this point we see the disciples (church) has failed also. Religion doesn't cure anyone it usually makes them worse.

Jesus rebukes the spirit names it and commands him to come out and never enter again. But he also says this about the situation.

And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting. - Mark 9:29

In my own personal life I have struggled. Today I am driving that thing right out of my life forever. Never to return! Fasting breaks chains and causes you to be free from the thing that would try to kill you. If it's been along time. Then maybe it's time to fast. Watch what God does. Join me on a 40 day fast. Imagine what's on the other side of 40 day fast.
I want what Jesus has in mind for me. How about you?