Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Desperate for a move of God.

In the book of John chapter 5 there was a man that laid by the pool called Bethesda. It was a place where the sick, blind, lame and withered laid waiting desperate for a move a God. The bible says that one of God's angels would come and stir the waters at certain seasons, and the first to step in would be made well from any disease with which he was afflicted.
Can you imagine? Waiting with a disease and knowing that God does move, but it's not guaranteed that you will get healed. There was a man there that had been ill for 38 years and everytime the waters were stirred he was not able to get healed cause he had no one to move him down into the waters. (What's worse is that others are only concerned for themselves! It sure is easy to fall into that desperate mentality of looking out for me and me only!) He says to the Lord "while I am coming another steps down before me." Watching others get a breakthrough and you have to continue on in your affliction. That can make a person bitter after a while I dont care how spiritual you are!
God has the power to heal yet he leaves me in this condition. God owns the cattle on a thousand hills, yet I can't pay my rent or mortgage. The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof andyet I cant get a job! Frustrated and desperate for a move of God! My friend I know exactly where you are at. I am right there with you!
His delayed healing and people getting over on him allows him a divine appointment with God himself! Jesus comes to the place of his sickness and says to him "Do you wish to get well?" His first reason for not getting well...someone else! Jesus doesn't even respond to the excuse. He just tells him to pick up his pallet and walk. Immediately he was well and picked up his pallet and began to walk.
Sometimes God allows us to sit in a condition for a while, and knows just right where we are. (Read John 5:6) Setting us up for a miracle for all to see. Your miracle might be for all to see. I am sure that others probably knew this man had been there forever. They knew he was tired, bitter, frustrated and near giving up. Yet his circumstances created an opportunity for God Himself to show up in his life! Hold on because Jesus will show up! And as I am saying this to you I am saying it to myself! I need a job just like you! My rent is do. I got friends who can help me, but all they do is say "oh brother we're praying for you, keep your head up" I know the feeling. But I just got to just keep trusting God. Don't let anyone tell you have to have more faith cause their full of it! Jesus said if you have the faith of a mustard seed!
My friend the Lord will come through stay focused and keep believing, because in the end Jesus showed up and he didn't just get a touch he had a divine in encounter with the almighty himself. I am sure that others got a breakthrough and went back to their normal living. But this man got a breakthrough and it changed his lifestyle! That is the difference between Christianity and Religion. Religion in cold bitter and judgemental. Christianity brings healing and restoration. The evidence of God all over the life, because the life reflects the God! Your breakthrough is coming and when it does remember God, dont go back to the normal life. But live your life fully for God!
I pray for all those struggling right now. Desperately needing a move from you. I pray for the men and women that have laboriously gone out put applications in and are needing the money for rent and food. Father I pray in the name of Jesus for a breakthroug for them. That when you do move you, they will give you all the glory. In the name of Jesus I pray amen.

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