Saturday, April 18, 2009

Prayer a great remedy

 A while back as I was going through the process of rebuilding my life, I made several attempts with friends, family and some religion to do it on my own. My attempts were futile and it seemed the like the mess was getting worse. You see at one time I knew how to pray but I had given that up in exchange for mundane religion!
 I thought if I just did some things right and said the right things, and thought the right things, then things would get better! Tired of the same old results with little fruit, I went back to what I learned in the first place. GOOD OL' FASHION PRAYER. I don't care how technologically advanced we become in the church, some things just can't be replaced. 
 When I began to take the time to meet with God, things began to happen. Some things were remedied on their own and some things I was now able to receive clear direction on. Prayer is an awesome weapon in the hand of the believer. It has grown more churches, remedied more marriages and evicted more sin out of the lives of believers than any sermon. Prayer has healed more people than all the Physicians in this world. It has helped millions of lost people find their way home. 
 Prayer has helped me overcome addiction and put a roof once again over my head. It has helped me be restored and restored the relationship between me and my children. To the preacher it will bring growth to your church wisdom and understanding in your ministry. It will give your sermons substance and breathe life into them.  
 Prayer can change things and sure can remedy a whole lot. Although this remedy will not be found at the pharmacy of Wal-Mart or Wal-Greens. This remedy is found in the faith and the willingness of the believer. It was a prayer that brought this country into existence and prayer that has sustained it. It is time that we bring back prayer to our churches, and our communities, and let it saturate our pulpits.  Then change will truly come. Prayer remedies a lot of things.
 Try it out for a month and if nothing changes in your life, we will refund you your misery!
"Pray without ceasing" 1 Thessalonians 5:17 

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