Monday, April 20, 2009

Opposition of prayer

 This blog is all about prayer and encouraging people to pray. Prayer is a weapon. One the enemy does not want you to ever learn or master. It is not the people who attend church that Satan opposes, but it is the men and women who grab a hold of the word and begin to walk it out and pray it out. These are the people that he fears the most. 
 One of the oppositions of prayer is DOUBT!  It is like an acid that corrodes the faith and causes hope to diminish if left on the mind too long. Doubt comes when after a while you have prayed, moved in faith and yet still nothing has come to past. It comes by way of temporary circumstances seemingly to be worse, than before you prayed. As I write to you I am encouraging myself. Pray and don't give up. Be fervent in what you want and be fervent in your prayers. "A double minded man is unstable in all his ways" James 1:8 
God has much in store for you and I and sometimes we just have become violent in our faith. No I am not talking about acts of stupidity, but bombarding Heaven's gates with a fervency and a passion! Refusing to let up until we get what we asked. 
 If you are feeling doubtful today, cast it down! Pray and pray God's word. That is thing that we use to overcome the opposition. 
When the devil says to you 
"You can't!"
You say " I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength"

When the devil says that "Your future don't look to good"

You say " Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, and neither has entered into the heart of man of what God has in store for them that love Him"
And then you slap him with Jeremiah 29:11 " God has a plan and a good one for my life with an expected end."

Keep praying and do not give up, sooner or later Hell will be evicted out of your life if you faint not. 
God bless  

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