Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Pray and don't give up!

 In Luke 18 Jesus takes some time out to encourage his disciples to always pray and not give up. 
 He shares with them a parable about an unjust judge who feared neither God nor man. He had been approached by a woman who was a widow. And she wanted justice. She kept coming to the judge with persistence. Asking him over and over for justice. Knocking on his door knowing there was a denial on the other side. Yet she showed up anyways!
 But to her the situation was a desperate one. She was a widow. Probably with no one to look out for her and protect her. Maybe she was taken advantage of by someone and needed this judge to help. The bible doesn't say but nevertheless her situation was desperate to her. The judge was a man that did not fear God or anyone else. Yet because this woman kept coming back he eventually gave in to her request.
 Jesus then provokes them with a question:
 "And will not God bring about justice for His chosen ones who cry out to Him day and night?"
 Compare the two, God the Father to an ungodly man. Who do you think is more likely to respond to the needs of those suffering? Those approaching them. The man or God. The encouragement of the story is to pray always and be persistent. Because sooner or later your breakthrough is on its way. 
 These are tough times and many people are in desperate situations yet these are the times where we can see the most miracles if we don't give up. Let me say this. Prayer doesn't work because many people are ignorant of God's word. It is the word of God that brings us our faith and increases it. "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God" Romans 10:17 The more you do God's word the more your faith will be increased. God always responds to His word. Stop reciting the badness and the hopelessness of your situation. And start praying God's word into your situation. 
Example:  Not sure you can pass a test that you have studied for. Some doubt there concerning your ability

Prayer: Lord I come to you in the name of Jesus and ask you to give me the ability to pass this test. According to your word which says that "I can do all things through Christ which gives me strength." Philip 4:13
 God's word in our prayers becomes the armament in the hands of Angels. And negativity recited over and over becomes arguments in the hands of demons. 
psalms 103:20-21
 Be persistent in prayer and the word of God. For the bible says that we ought not to be weary in well doing. For in due season you shall reap the reward. My friends be encouraged in these times. God will show up! 

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