Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Worship for change

 As i sit here this morning like many others hoping for some miracle and waiting for a phone call of some sort of breakthrough, I got up and said I am going to worship for some change. Worship always changes the atmosphere of any place. It is an act where the time bows to eternity and the angels come in to quell the distractions of the demons. It is the most Holy act a human being can perform unto God. 
This morning I would encourage to find you a place and a secret place and just begin to worship the Lord. Offer  up the sacrifice of praise. Exalt him in the middle of your crisis or inability to find a job or pay your bills. Watch the atmosphere begin to change just try it! I know it sounds weird, but what have you got to lose? Get out a cd or favorite song of yours and just begin to sing it where ever you are at. 
Worship Him and watch what he does. God be with you today as you worship in faith! Today don't worship the bills or what your going to do. Today focus all your attention on worshipping your God and watch the atmosphere change. Watch your outlook begin to change, your attitude begin to change!
Father I pray for those in need of change in their lives. Some healing some financial. Nevertheless Lord we all need you first. I pray Father that through the hardship we would find you. That in this time Lord we would learn to be true worshippers. In Jesus name I pray!

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