Friday, April 24, 2009

The word Of God is the fire power for Angels

 Throughout the bible there are many appearances by Angels. They are always on duty even when we cannot see them. Constantly performing on behalf of the almighty and men usually are the benefactors of those performances. They are God's creation and His messengers.
 In fact in Psalms 103:20-22 it teaches us that they are mighty beings. A creation that excels in strength. All you need is one on your side. We read in scripture how one alone slayed thousands of people in one night. (Read Genesis, Exodus, Revelations)

Even today in our modern world many credible men and women have had encounters with Angels. Some speak of poor people coming to them asking for money and they give it to them, and the very people disappear afterwards!  Hebrews 13:2 "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares" 
The same scripture in Psalms 103:21 also teaches us that these Angels are also the performers of God's word. Who perform His pleasure. Which brings me back to you and I and how we are the benefactors of this. Knowledge of the word of God and obedience to it in our lives, releases the Angels into our lives to perform the word of God.  

God's word obeyed in our lives then becomes the fire power that Angels use to work in our lives.  It is the fuel for them. It is armament! They do not perform on their own. Strictly listening for the voice of God's word. Obedience activates that word in our lives. Disobedience nullifies it. 

On the flip-side of that coin. Negativity and disobedience then become the arguments in the hands of demons. These become the doors of opportunities through which they enter into the lives of people. Reciting negativity constantly sustains their presence in the life of a person. 

Have you gone over to a relatives house where they are depressed, battling with a severe addiction, or maybe where everybody is angry and full of self-pity in the house? How did you feel when you left? Not too great right? Because the environment becomes conducive for these demons to operate in. 

 So it is with God's word. The more we obey the more the Angels are loosed to perform His word in our lives. Angels don't move when we say. They move when God says. The key to all this is obedience to God's word! That is something that unlocks these powerful beings in our lives and stirs them to move on our behalf in the most difficult situations. 

 God bless you today as you do God's word and may the presence of the Almighty be with you.

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