Thursday, April 16, 2009

A sincere prayer of repentance

 The psalmist is making a passionate plea to God, you could almost hear the desperation in his plea to the Lord. Not one of "I am sorry that I got caught" but the one of a backslidden man desperate to be once again in the will of God. Not so much just the will, but the beautiful comfort and peaceful presence of God. This man knew God intimately! He basked in the presence of the Almighty. 

 And his sin separated him from that. His conscience had been pricked and he knew... "I have done wrong!" And it bothered him to the point that he had to get on his face and get before God and get some forgiveness. Make peace with his Master. Today we sin and it is nothing. Because we just throw the "grace card" in God's face and tell him to accept it. That's a harsh way of putting it but it is the truth. Or we start with the terms of deception "Lord knows my heart" "He knew what I was gonna do" "Thats why he died" "God knows I struggle" "I was weak what was I suppose to do"
 This is not just some prayer service, but imagine the psalmist on his hands and knees begging for God to restore him. Then up with outstretched arms sobbing and crying before the Lord. Broken before the master. In a room of solitude, dark and quiet facing the east. No food no drink nothing! Not able to leave until the peace has been restored. 

 He starts using words like "cleanse" "purify" "wash" "restore" "sustain."  The mighty man is broken before the Lord. There is a solemnness in the castle. Others are praying and quietly interceding for him also. They have felt the repercussions of his sin. They know that if the situation is going to get better, it must first start with him and his God. Throughout the castle his weeping and wailing is heard. A man upset with himself! Realizing that he has broken the peace between him and his God. His prayer is one of "Lord I hurt you and I am truly sorry" There is such a sincerity in his prayer that God does have mercy on him. You see the bible says that "God looks at the hearts" 1 Sam 16:7 We read about David being restored, but there is a brokenness in his life after that. 
 When was the last time you got before God and just had a true time of confession and asking God to forgive you? But just a quiet time with God. One that restores the peace and assurance. One that leaves you broken. Prayer is such a purifying process. Many avoid it and settle for empty religion cold and judgmental. True prayers changes you forever. Yet makes you hungry for the next session. 
True prayer purifies the heart, to the point that we don't go back to the same stuff he just set us free from. True prayer breaks you before you break away. It reaches the inward parts of a man or woman. Marked by God. 
 Isn't time you got before Him and just confessed and then let Him search. I challenge you this week. To make an appointment with Him. Don't ask for anything but to forgive, wash, purify, cleanse and restore you. You will be surprised with what comes up. You see God desires not just to be apart of your life, but live in it. "Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost?" 
Lord forgive us all for taking things so lightly. Forgive us for the secret things that we willingly do against you. Knowing the truth, yet in deception we justify. Father forgive for my wrongs and the things that I have done against you Lord. Restore me Father and wash me in secret places of my heart. That I may be restored. I pray God this will bless many people. In Jesus name I pray.

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