Tuesday, April 28, 2009


 Throughout my years of experience in ministry I have heard and personally witnessed many positive outcomes in regards to prayer. I want to share something with you that has helped me tremendously in ministry. It involves prayer.

Several years ago I worked on staff at thriving church. During the time the church had gone through several Youth Pastors. I was asked to step in and just maintain the ministry until they fill the position. feeling inadequate and out of my element I began to pray. During youth night I would get to the church at 5 a.m. and fast and pray the whole day! (Thanks to my Pastor who taught me that!)

The result of that.  The ministry exploded and we were making a tremendous impact on hundreds of teenagers! God would impress upon me in my prayer time ideas and I would simply act them out in faith and they would work. Each time one worked I knew it was God, and I would continue call on Him and He would continue to give me ideas and release creativity in the ministry. Young people were being bussed into the services and lives were being changed!

 Today we are living in the toughest of times, and many people are in need of some sort of breakthrough.  It is in these times that we ought to seek God more than ever and get His input and ask Him to give us the ability to be creative, that through the creativity a door of opportunity may be opened. Stop waiting by the mailbox and start waiting in prayer for God to speak to you and ask Him to release His creativity into your spirit.  This brings with it encouragement and hope. But also expectancy knowing you are operating under the divine direction of the innovative leader Himself!

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